Source code for dimepy.spectrumList

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# encoding: utf-8

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic
from .spectrum import Spectrum
import math
from typing import Tuple
import csv
import itertools
import zipfile
from io import StringIO

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Keiron O'Shea
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

[docs]class SpectrumList:
[docs] def __init__(self): self._list = [] self.binned = False self.value_imputated = False self.normalised = False self.transformed = False self._global_masses = False
[docs] def append(self, spectrum: Spectrum): """ Method to append a Spectrum to the SpectrumList. Arguments: spectrum (Spectrum): A Spectrum object. """ if type(spectrum) == Spectrum: self._list.append(spectrum) else: raise ValueError("SpectrumList only accepts Spectrum objects.")
[docs] def detect_outliers(self, threshold: float = 1, verbose: bool = False): """ Method to locate and remove outlier spectrum using the median-absolute deviation of the TICS within the SpectrumList. .. note:: This method is still being actively developed, so is likely to change. Arguments: threshold (int): Threshold for MAD outlier detection. verbose (bool): Whether to print out the identifiers of the removed Spectrum. """ def _get_tics() -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]: tics = [] for spec in self._list: tics.append(np.sum(spec.intensities)) return np.array(tics) def _calculate_mad(tics: np.array) -> float: return np.median(np.abs(tics - np.median(tics))) def _get_mask(tics: np.array, mad: float) -> np.array: tics = tics[:, None] median = np.median(tics, axis=0) diff = np.sum((tics - median)**2, axis=-1) diff = np.sqrt(diff) med_abs_deviation = np.median(diff) modified_z_score = 0.6745 * diff / med_abs_deviation return modified_z_score <= threshold tics = _get_tics() mad = _calculate_mad(tics) to_keep = _get_mask(tics, mad) _list = np.array(self._list) if verbose: print("Detected Outliers: %s" % ";".join([x.identifier for x in _list[~to_keep]])) self._list = _list[to_keep].tolist()
[docs] def bin(self, bin_width: float = 0.5, statistic: str = "mean"): """ Method to conduct mass binning to nominal mass and mass spectrum generation across a SpectrumList. Arguments: bin_width (float): The mass-to-ion bin-widths to use for binning. statistic (str): The statistic to use to calculate bin values. Supported statistic types are: * 'mean' (default): compute the mean of intensities for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'std': compute the standard deviation within each bin. This is implicitly calculated with ddof=0. * 'median': compute the median of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'count': compute the count of points within each bin. This is identical to an unweighted histogram. values array is not referenced. * 'sum': compute the sum of values for points within each bin. This is identical to a weighted histogram. * 'min': compute the minimum of values for points within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. * 'max': compute the maximum of values for point within each bin. Empty bins will be represented by NaN. """ def _get_global_mass_range() -> Tuple[float, float]: mass_ranges = [s.mass_range for s in self._list] min_mass = min([_min for _min, _max in mass_ranges]) - bin_width max_mass = max([_max for _min, _max in mass_ranges]) + bin_width return min_mass, max_mass def _get_global_bins(min_mass: float, max_mass: float): bins = np.arange(min_mass, max_mass, step=bin_width) bin_dict = {x: [] for x in bins} intensities = [] for spec in self._list: m = spec.masses i = spec.intensities binned_i, _, _ = binned_statistic(m, i, statistic=statistic, bins=bins) binned_m, _, _ = binned_statistic(m, m, statistic=statistic, bins=bins) index = ~np.isnan(binned_i) binned_m = binned_m[index] binned_i = binned_i[index] for indx, b in enumerate(bins[np.where(index == True)]): bin_dict[b].append(binned_m[indx]) intensities.append([binned_i, index]) return bin_dict, intensities def _get_masses(bin_dict) -> np.array: bins = [] for b, bi in bin_dict.items(): if bi != []: bins.append(np.mean(bi)) else: bins.append(b) return np.array(bins)[:-1] min_mass, max_mass = _get_global_mass_range() bin_dict, intensities = _get_global_bins(min_mass, max_mass) self._global_masses = _get_masses(bin_dict) # Apply to spectrum objects for index, (intensities, mass_index) in enumerate(intensities): s = self._list[index] s._masses = self._global_masses[mass_index] s._intensities = intensities self.binned = True
[docs] def value_imputate(self, method: str = "min", threshold: float = 0.5) -> None: """ A method to deploy value imputation to the Spectrum List. .. note:: As most metabolite selection methods fail to deal with missing values, it is strongly recommended to run this method once binning has been performed over the SpectrumList Arguments: method (str): Method to use for value imputation. Currently supported value imputation methods are: * 'basic' (default) : Replace thresholded null values with half the minimum intensity value per Spec * 'mean': Replace thresholded null values with the mean intensity value per Spec. * 'min': Replace thresholded null values with the minimum intensity value per Spec. * 'median': Replace thresholded null values with the minimum intensity value per Spec. threshold (float): Number of samples an intensity needs to be present in to be taken forward for imputation. """ def _extend_spectrum(): for spec in self._list: m = spec.masses i = spec.intensities is_in = np.intersect1d(self._global_masses, m, return_indices=True)[1] # Empty intensities exp_i = np.empty(self._global_masses.shape) # Replace with np.nans exp_i[:] = np.nan # Put the mass masked data in. exp_i[is_in] = i spec._masses = self._global_masses spec._intensities = exp_i def _determine_to_keep(): global_intensities = np.array([s.intensities for s in self._list]) global_intensities[np.isnan(global_intensities)] = 0.0 non_zeros = np.count_nonzero(global_intensities, axis=0) return non_zeros >= global_intensities.shape[0] * threshold def _apply_to_keep(to_keep): self._global_masses[to_keep] for spec in self._list: spec._masses = spec.masses[to_keep] spec._intensities = spec.intensities[to_keep] def _apply_imputation(): for s in self._list: i = s.intensities if method.upper() == "BASIC": filler = np.nanmin(i) / 2 elif method.upper() == "MEAN": filler = np.mean(i) elif method.upper() == "MIN": filler = np.nanmin(i) elif method.upper() == "MEDIAN": filler = np.nanmedian(i) else: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid imputation method." % method) i[np.isnan(i)] = filler s._intensities = i if self.binned: _extend_spectrum() to_keep = _determine_to_keep() _apply_to_keep(to_keep) _apply_imputation() self.value_imputated = True else: raise ValueError( "This only works where the SpectrumList has been binned.")
[docs] def normalise(self, method: str = "tic") -> None: """ Method to conduct sample independent intensity normalisation. Arguments: method (str): The normalisation method to use. Currently supported normalisation methods are: * 'tic' (default): Normalise to the total ion current of the Spectrum: * 'median': Normalise to the meidan of the Spectrum. * 'mean': Normalise to the mean of the Spectrum. """ def _normie(spec: Spectrum): i = spec.intensities if method.upper() == "TIC": spec._intensities = np.divide(i, np.sum(i)) * 1000 elif method.upper() == "MEDIAN": spec._intensities = i - np.median(i) * 1000 elif method.upper() == "MEAN": spec._intensities = i - np.mean(i) * 1000 else: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid normalisation method" % (method)) if self.normalised == False: for spec in self._list: _normie(spec) self.normalised = True else: raise ValueError( "It looks like you've already normalised this data.")
[docs] def transform(self, method: str = "log10") -> None: """ Method to conduct sample independent intensity transformation. Arguments: method (str): The transformation method to use. Currently supported transformation methods are: *'log10' (default) *'cube' *'nlog' *'log2' *'glog' *'sqrt' *'ihs' """ def _transform(spec: Spectrum): i = spec.intensities if method.upper() == "LOG10": spec._intensities = np.log10(i) elif method.upper() == "CUBE": spec._intensities = i**(1. / 3) elif method.upper() == "NLOG": spec._intensities = np.log(i) elif method.upper() == "LOG2": spec._intensities = np.log2(i) elif method.upper() == "GLOG": m = np.min(i) / 10 spec._intensities = np.log2(i + np.sqrt(i**2 + m**2)) / 2 elif method.upper() == "SQRT": spec._intensities = np.sqrt(i) elif method.upper() == "IHS": spec._intensities = np.array([math.asinh(x) for x in i]) if self.transformed == False: for spec in self._list: _transform(spec) self.transformed = True else: raise ValueError( "It looks like you've already transformed this data.")
[docs] def to_csv(self, fp: str, sep: str = ",", output_type: str = "base"): """ Method to export the spectrum list. Arguments: fp (str): Filepath to export the file to. sep (str): Separator to use for file export output_type (str): What form of output to export: Supported output types are: *'base': masses and intensities of each spectrum in a column each in a single CSV file. *'matrix': The way in which I personally analyse the data. This will not work unless the data has been binned. *'metaboanalyst': A zipfile ready for uploading to metaboanalyst. """ def _to_base(): _output = [] for s in self._list: _samp = np.array([s.stratification, s.identifier]) _samp = np.append(_samp, np.array([s.masses, s.intensities]).T) _samp = _samp.reshape((s.intensities.shape[0] + 1, 2)) _output.append(_samp) _output = np.array(_output).T with open(fp, "w") as outfile: writer = csv.writer(outfile, delimiter=sep) for line in itertools.zip_longest(*_output, fillvalue=np.array( [None, None])): writer.writerow(np.concatenate(line, axis=0)) outfile.close() def _to_metaboanalyst(): zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fp, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for s in self._list: _samp = np.array(["mz", "into"]) _samp = np.append(_samp, np.array([s.masses, s.intensities]).T) _samp = _samp.reshape((s.intensities.shape[0] + 1, 2)) buffer = StringIO() writer = csv.writer(buffer) for line in _samp: writer.writerow(line) zf.writestr("%s/%s.csv" % (s.stratification, s.identifier), buffer.getvalue()) zf.close() def _to_matrix(): _output = np.ndarray( (len(self._list[0].masses) + 1, len(self._list) + 1), dtype=object) _output[0][0] = "Sample ID" _output[0][1:] = self._list[0].masses for index, s in enumerate(self._list): _output[index + 1][0] = s.identifier _output[index + 1][1:] = s.intensities np.savetxt(fp, _output, delimiter=sep, fmt="%s") if output_type == "base": _to_base() elif output_type == "metaboanalyst": _to_metaboanalyst() elif output_type == "matrix": if self.value_imputated: _to_matrix() else: raise ValueError("SpectrumList must be Value Imputated first!") else: raise ValueError("%s not a valid output type" % (output_type))